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Is your elevator reliability causing you headaches?  We’ve got The Program for that!

We know that great preventive maintenance equals less repair and ultimately less downtime. Elevators and escalators are complicated electrical and mechanical pieces of equipment so The Program we design is specific, precise and reliable.

As we implement The Program we take over your job and completely examine and adjust each elevator and escalator. We discover and correct issues before they happen. More importantly, we then place units in a condition whereby they can be regularly serviced not repaired!

The Program

1. Assessment:

Denver Elevator reviews the elevator repair history and assesses your equipment from top to bottom.

2. Customized Plan:

Our team develops a customized plan to address any concerns, including equipment and cosmetic issues that immediately impact the operation of the equipment.

3. Equipment Detailing:

Housekeeping and system checks are of vital importance to preventative maintenance! At Denver Elevator Company, we clean and wash all equipment including car tops, pits, and the machine room, followed by painting as needed. After that, we perform a thorough examination of all terminal connections and door equipment making corrections along the way. Denver Elevator Company will document all of these procedures with before and after pictures.

4. Monthly Preventative Maintenance:

The cornerstone of the Denver Elevator Company preventive maintenance plan includes monthly visits, fire service testing on all equipment, and monthly emergency phone and alarm bell testing, beyond the normal preventative maintenance, applied to each piece of equipment.


Denver Elevator Company, a full-service elevator & escalator contractor specializing in service, modernization and repair.

Fill out the form or Call (720)-642-6600 Today!

Contact Denver Elevator

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Denver Elevator Company, a full-service elevator & escalator contractor specializing in service, modernization and repair.


24/7 Service Line

7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, Suite 410 Denver, CO 80231

SERVING: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties