24/7 Service Line
(720) 642-6600
We are Denver Elevator Company, a full service elevator and escalator contractor specializing in maintenance, modernization and repair throughout the Denver Metropolitan Area.
Building owners and managers deserve a higher level of customer service backed by maintenance guarantees. Superior customer service with guaranteed maintenance make Denver Elevator “best in class”.
Maintenance company based in Denver, Colorado. Their elevators can be found in malls, government facilities, commercial office buildings.
Modernization company that delivers experienced project management, detailed coordination & on time materials & installation.
Repair company that offers cost – conscious products and solutions that enhance equipment reliability and performance.
An Elevator Success Story
Maintenance Guarantee

1. Monthly Preventative Maintenance
If we fail to perform our scheduled monthly preventive maintenance visits, Denver Elevator Company will provide a full refund to the customer for 100% of the monthly value for each unit missed.

2. Scheduled Testing
If any annual or five year test is overdue or expired on any elevator or escalator in your building, Denver Elevator Company will give a full refund for the cost of the test.

3. Record Keeping
If Denver Elevator Company fails to log or record any Maintenance Control Program item, a refund will be sent to the customer for each missed entry.
The Program

1. Assessment:
Denver Elevator reviews the elevator repair history and assesses your equipment.

2. Customized Plan:
Based on our findings in the assessment phase, we work with your team on developing a customized plan..

3. Equipment Detailing:
An important aspect of preventative maintenance is the house keeping. We clean and wash all equipment .

4. Monthly Preventative Maintenance:
The Denver Elevator Company preventive maintenance plan includes testing on all equipment.
Our Service Area

Denver Elevator Company, a full-service elevator & escalator contractor specializing in service, modernization and repair.
24/7 Service Line

SERVING: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Denver, Douglas, Gilpin, and Jefferson Counties